Friday, March 28, 2008

Virgin Post

The other night we were watching The Colbert Report and the founder of DEKA Research was on.

He was displaying one of these machines. (The actual episode is the one linked to and worth checking out.)

Husband and I mused about investing in the company (not that we have anything to invest) – Dean Kamen seemed pretty amazing and that was long before I saw all of the other fabulous things that he has invented.

I could not have imagined what I would actually be investing in.

It is a damned good thing that he has invented this water purifier: now that it has been deemed that water is not a basic human right.

People are drooling (well, the ones who are not dehydrated) at the opportunities that the privatization of water affords them.

Unfortunately, many people will not be able to afford the water that they are selling.


iamcoyote said...

Yay Anjha!

I saw another guy on Daily Show talking about water wars in the future. Pretty scary.

Anjha said...

Apparently the crap going on in Darfur is really a water war.

And it will only get worse.

DEKA's water purifier needs no membranes or filters or anything...
it is truly an amazing machine.

But that stat that he spat out: "Eighty percent of all the diseases you could name would be wiped out if you just gave people clean water."


It sickens me to think of all of the children dying of dysentary (sp?) just because they don't have access to clean water. Sucks.

iamcoyote said...

Isn't that a World Bank specialty, going into a developing country and offering to build a dam or wells, for the low low price of control of the water rights, thereby taking control of the population?

And yeah, it was only recently when I found out about the Darfur/water connection. Makes a lot of sense, and sadly, we're going to be seeing a lot more of those conflicts pretty soon.