Originally posted at the author's home base of Low & Left Part Deux
How often is it that we not only get to tell someone what's on our mind and do the right thing? Not to mention channel a little holiday giving?
We don't get to throw our shoes at the President. It's illegal, both in terms of assault as well as god-knows what laws in the post 9/11 world. As has been joked about the guy in Iraq, we'd be risking GitMo or an extended stay with "outsourced detention" in Syria. And if you used foot powder that morning . . may God have mercy on your soul.
That doesn't mean we can't send him our shoes to make sure he gets the point.
The plan: gather up your old shoes, box 'em and then send them to the President. Include a message that gets the point across. That message should also tell the President what charities will take your shoes - There's a bunch out there, not including the local Goodwill or Catholic Charities. Go buy new shoes if you want to make a better donation.
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This project is at the idea stage - I believe we should create printable PDF that donators can use to include in their care packages to make it as easy as possible. Other than that, we/I am looking for improvements to this idea, where you think the best destination address is (The White House or The Ranch?), or a better tone to the message to encourage donations for the right reasons, just not mere cynicism.
Post your comments and ideas to the thread at this blog or at Low and Left, or email your comments to the author, idiosynchronic, at Gmail.
Here's a powerful visual post, simply titled "shoes" by hissyspit at DU.
I see what looks like some shoe piles - did the sponsoring organizations of the "boots" campaign take donations for shoes for shelters and other charities?
Cool. What a great idea.
I've been told off - "I don't know if you got the memo, but GWB is going to be out of office in a matter of weeks now and Barack Obama is about to become president. Our energies should be focused forward, not backwards."
'cause accounatbility and letting a gang of criminals know what you think of them is so passe . .
Any guesses where this came from? :)
...did the sponsoring organizations of the "boots" campaign take donations for shoes for shelters and other charities?
Some for military families in need, or Veterans.
Looks like others have the same idea!
Did anyone team up with the KOS poster and direct them here?
Great idea Id, especially since it can also be used to provide much needed shoes to charities.
That is, providing, the chimp forwards them as we intend. The only way that he would be forced to forward them is if we got enough shoes there that he was forced into it by the media attention.
This means that the campaign has to be really fucking big. This means that we have to advertise/market it well.
It is time to cross market with other bloggers that you all know. I know that you guys are a helluva lot more involved in these communities than I am.
So, let's get to cross marketing.
Also, don't know if you saw my comment on TLC, but you can also include a crappy pair of lawn mowing shoes if we include instructions on the PDF on where to recycle the old tennies.
Hey, make sure you tell everyone to use UPS. Send a clear pro-Union message.
The Teamsters Union can use all the help it can get.
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