Monday, February 2, 2009

And the LED goes on

Just a thought-

18 months ago I was working for a intellectual property law firm. It was not rare, but occasionally a large real court battle would occur. Real litigation, costing the Big Bucks. Just before my wife and I moved and I found a job somewhere else, the firm more or less shut down its litigation staff and scaled that business back because our client companies were doing the same.

In fact, now that I think about it, it was August-September of 2008. One year later and the economy went blooey.

Liberals have been saying that the economy has been weak and prone to implosion since the tech fallout and as home prices continued to go up. We're not the end-all of intelligence. Other people knew it was coming too.


Seven of Six said...

Liberals have been saying that the economy has been weak and prone to implosion since the tech fallout and as home prices continued to go up.

My conditioning has made me always think along the lines of market manipulation... a normal suspicious by-product of the ray-gun/bu$h years.

The tin foil hat has never come too loose.

Seven of Six said...

Along the same lines as above... Jane Hamsher says it much better than I can.

Anjha said...

Everything is fucked and we called it. Worst of all, Obama is expected to fix it all and fix it all now.