I'd like to direct you to this Fresh Air interview with Ryan Lizza, examining how Obama got started in Chicago, and how he got to where he is so quickly. Unllike most media stories about Obama, it's remarkably clear-eyed and honest, not only about the where the candidate was & is, but as to where he might be headed. There's no transcript, but you can catch the recording off the website or by podcast.
Short version is that Obama is ambitious (duh), and got where he was by courting moderates and even right-leaners to counteract the resistance he had from the old guard Democrats he was threatening to replace. Not only is it evident in his associations with other lawmakers and groups, its even quite explicit in his books and other writing. In other words - he's calculating and triangulating. He's willing to use right-wing frames to advance his own position. Something which his previous opponent has been castigated for. And something that's perceived by the liberal base as something that's against it's ethics or politics because of the compromises that same Clinton and her husband have supported that either limit or gut liberal reforms and programs.
It also puts Obama and his organization in eactly the same position of Bill Clinton in 1992. Both Bill Clinton and Obama represent change against the powers-that-be of the Democratic Party and Washington D.C. It's implicit in his campaign theme of Change - not only against the Republican incompetence and malfeasance, but also the Democratic Party itself.
But we all know how much the Clintons changed Washington. Meet the new Democratic Boss - same as the old Democratic Boss. But maybe change, as something different, is not what the country wants. Maybe we just want to return to competent government. To summarize a co-worker, the hope is that we can elect an Executive that is no longer a world joke. That at the very least is as competent as any other Western democracy. That co-worker has a had a very pleasant week because of Obama's European tour.
As Bob Rumson once said - "Does America Want the Pride Back?"
He's imperfect, but he's ours now. We may not like some of what represents, but he promises to be ten times better than the current idiot, and probably twice as better as the GOP nominee. And in our system, who else are ya gonna vote for? Ross Perot?
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