Sunday, April 20, 2008

Try and Hide in Paraguay bu$h!!

Six decades of single-party rule in Paraguay came to an end...
Left leaning, Fernando Lugo, won on a platform of change and "promise to help the poor".
Lugo, the 56-year-old ex-bishop, was a popular candidate as he campaigned to support the Paraguay's indigent population...

Lugo, who calls himself an independent, is backed by the Patriotic Alliance for Change -- a coalition of center and center-left parties.

"I believe that the politics of exclusion long practiced in this country doesn't have a future," Lugo has said.

He has also called for the renegotiation of Paraguay's hydroelectricity agreements with Brazil and Argentina, saying Paraguay, a landlocked country plagued by poverty, is losing money...
Bad news for the bu$h/cheney carpet baggers!


iamcoyote said...

I heard that the Paraguay ranch was a myth. Still, the socialist movement in S. Am. is moving along - one would think our country would rather help than hinder the process. Riiiight! We can't even keep our own democracy safe, right?

Seven of Six said...

Yeah I've heard that about the S.A. ranch.

The best part is that the energy companies won't be getting a chance to exploit another poor country's resources as easily. Huge Water power reserves and extensive underground water in the Chaco of Paraguay.

I was down their in 1988. Good times.

Unfortunately, the politics have always been so far to the right. Stroesnner was as bad as Chile's Pinochet.

What a remarkable turnaround!