Wednesday, April 23, 2008

There's The Beef!

What Digby said, and what her little friend said too.

That, right there, is exactly why I said it's time to start up L'n'L again. I'm not as strong as The Terror of Santa Monica. The waves of terror and nausea that emanate from certain blogs and the newsmedia are tough for me to resist. I have to literally watch an episode of Babylon 5 (I'm just now watching it for the first time) and smoke some cigarettes in order for me to disengage from the chattering classes and remind myself that It's All Going To Be Okay.

Provided we don't blow off how much work has to be done and how important it is.

Which then reminds me that last few days' siesta actually involved me writing like a banshee in order to catch up with this semester's history class. I fell behind after a bit of the ol' gastroenteritis, and then hung around Club Sofa playing LEGO Star Wars for a few days afterwards. Dumb me.


snark said...

I think she underestimates the number of people who feel like her. Including me, that makes two that I know of!

There wasn't really anything in that post that I disagree with. Except I find myself being attacked for being too emotional about either candidate on any given day simply because I don't have some craven need to rhetorically strip the flesh from the one not supported by the uber-partisans of the other.

iamcoyote said...

Gak! Now they're starting up the "Oh noes! We're gonna attack Iran again!!1!" bullshit. Oy. And Bob in Pacifica just threatened that if Obama's not The One, abortion rights are gonna be gone. People are just frikkin' nuts anymore.

I just watched "The Mist." Not bad for a Stephen King flick. I hated how they jiggered the end, though. It was better in the book, when no one knew what was really happening. Why do they have to manufacture closure? Sometimes, there aren't any clear answers. I'm nearing the end of Duma Key, King's latest book.

Next up: The Orphanage. Supposed to be super spooky along the lines of The Devil's Backbone and Pan's Labyrinth. And Lost starts up again tomorrow. Woohoo!

idiosynchronic said...

Except I find myself being attacked for being too emotional about either candidate on any given day simply because I don't have some craven need to rhetorically strip the flesh from the one not supported by the uber-partisans of the other.

There's a lot of extreme defense going on in both the posts and threads. Which is why I absolutely refuse to any of the participants. Everyone in those arguments either has lost their gourd, or is having to use such cutting language to be heard that they become parodies of their positions.

Coyote - I'd still say it's a chance. A remote chance. And I think we'd still see far more propaganda, manipulation and actual force projection preparation before an actual attack.

I think the real danger lies in not a sustained bombing campaign or actual invasion, but Gee Dub adopting the Reagan administration's limited reprisal actions with very constrained, defined goals. Say, "We had intelligence that Ahman Al-Zwahri was in a bunker south of Terhan, and we leveled it and the weapons depot next to it." The 1980-something Libyan bombings come to mind.

You and your scare novels.

iamcoyote said...

Yeah, I suppose some kind of bombing run is possible. I've been hearing stuff about N. Korea and Syria, though. Maybe another one of those supposed "secret" nuke plants they have to take out. Can't take the chance that dems might improve things while they're in office.

Anonymous said...

On one hand, I'm tired of the drawn out Primary. Actually, I'm tired of the drawn out media coverage and the insipid "analysis" and blatant partisanship our media "professionals" are displaying. I'd really like to see more pressure on McCain, as well. His lack of knowledge on certain topics and the danger of his Presidency should be making front page news already.

On the other hand, I think it's great that folks in the later-voting states get to cast a vote with some sense that it might actually be relevant.

Frankly, I'd love to see a very narrow Primary window, if not a national Primary. The idea of "battleground states" is a thinly veiled way of saying "some states just don't matter" and forces the candidates to basically ignore a good percentage of the population, "retail politics" be damned. That's not Democracy, it's demographic clique-building and pandering.

There are so many grave issues facing the average American - and average people in the rest of the world - that are being ignored during this race, thanks to the carnival barkers and morally retarded gold diggers who control the media. Honestly, it's a wonder we haven't imploded or completely broke down already.

If there is a God, s/he must surely be saying "WTF have I created?!?"

iamcoyote said...

Hey Ripley, good to see you're still hanging on!

Yeah, I'm so sick of this primary, and politics in general. After watching this crap for seven years and seeing no discernable change in how things are done, why bother? Not to mention the years-long campaigning that now replaces actual governing anymore.