h/t Jeff Huber, Pen and Sword

It's not often you can say of blogging friends, "I've met that person, we had beers, we talked about blogging and blogsites, politics, music interests, they came inside my house and met my family." I was fortunate enough to meet D.J. Moonbat 2 years back. A few weeks later, Lurch, of Main and Central stopped by. Unfortunately, Valentines Day of this year I learned that he had passed away.
I find myself going back and remembering where I first encountered Lurch. I know we first talked at Jo Fish's place, Democratic Veteran. Upon stopping by Jeff Huber's place today, I remember reading his comments there as well. I was just getting my blogging legs then, coming out from being a lurker. With the help of Jo Fish, he started Main and Central with some other Veterans. I was always amazed at how prolific he was. Story after story... sometimes, 6 in one day. I have a tough time putting out one or two pieces a week. It wasn't only how productive he was, his articles had substance. I think Lurch was the best at reporting on the lack of equipment (such as Body Armor) the troops had in Iraq. His commentary on the War of the Bridges in Iraq was simply outstanding!
I'm glad he took the time to visit. I was able to go all out because it was a weekend when he stopped by. We had a large Mexican feast in his honor. That's what we do in AZ in early summer, Bar-B-Que some marinated chicken and beef for tacos, all the trimmings, some Corona or Dos Equis all poolside, laughing and talking. He loved it. Easy going, smiling the whole time. He spoke lovingly of his late wife. That's how I'll remember him...
In short, I miss my friend Lurch... RIP. He, like Steve Gilliard, leaves a "blogging void" of which few can replace. I find myself visiting Veteran websites for a glimpse of Lurch. He would have laughed at that picure and comment of bu$h...
Crossposted at LEFT is RIGHT
It's weird, having been blogging for several years now, you overlook the fact that the people you're commenting with are real flesh and blood people. Steve Soto posted a link to a post from 2003 the other day and I scrolled back through a bunch of the preceeding posts and there were tons of comments from Steve Gilliard. Back and forth with Steve and djMoonbat and others. Reading through some of it was like listening in on a conversation. It was really odd reading his comments knowing that he is no longer with us. He's gone. But those blog conversations remain.
I recall reading comments by Lurch. Peace to his family and friends.
I'm able to finally find some closure... I'd been hurting for a while. You find yourself stopping by one of your daily reads and remembering, damn...
I know Lurch is in a better place taking some long walks with his wife on a nice beach.
Whoever helped me edit my grammar, I appreciate it.
Great tribute, SoS! He was a sweet guy, and like you said, prolific. I did the same thing, snark, followed the link back on TLC. I used to visit Gilliard's blog a lot, and remember him and Soto and Billmon at dKos when it was just a blogger blog. I always felt honored when Lurch showed up at L&L, too, like having a celebrity stop by. RIP, Lurch! Thanks, SoS for the reminder.
It as amazing wasn't it coyote? There were threads with 4 or 5 commenters having an actual intelligent exchange. Reading and listening to one another and responding. Sad what TLC comment threads have degenerated into these days. Just people talking AT each other.
I started commenting on TLC shortly after Bush invaded Iraq. But I was posting under my first name and last initial then. Very infrequent. Then I switched to "muckcat" some time after that and ultimately "snark". Hard to believe it's been so long already.
Hard to believe it's been so long already.
Tell me about it. Not to mention my wife said we were officially old because all the undergrads she advised have now gone to seminary and are into their 2nd and 3rd year appointments.
I'm deeply sorry to hear about your loss of Lurch, Seven. I remember how much fun you had having both Moonbat and Lurch visit within weeks of each other.
idio, Lurch had one of your articles as a topic once.
He not only wrote a blog, he read the blogs and paid attention to who was who on the blogs.
It as amazing wasn't it coyote?
Yeah, I remember those times, when people wouldn't dare post unless they had the facts straight. And after all we learned, to watch blogs now take news items at face value, and use links from Drudge and Fox for backup. I used to be so scared to comment because I didn't know all the angles, and was scared to get found out on some small point. Now, most people don't read the source materials, they just take their fave blogger's word that some article online says this or that. Really drives me batty!
And thanks, SoS for putting LisR on the blogroll, I keep meaning to play with it, but just got lazy. Anyone else have links they want up, go ahead and put 'em in there!
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