Good thing I mowed yesterday, it's pouring down rain this morning. We stopped doing Easter a while back - my kids and I are indifferent to religion, but we do love our jelly beans. I used to love the sunrise services when I was a kid, though; we had masses in Latin and they did the whole stations of the cross thing, then the big egg hunt afterwards. It was an event, not just Sunday service. When my kids were little, I would go crazy with the baskets and egg hunt (then treasure hunts when they learned to read). They can buy their own candy now, so they're not willing to hunt up marshmallow peeps anymore.
We're going to have a lazy day here today, what're you all up to?
hanks to watertiger for the pic!
It's a beautiful sunny but cool Easter Sunday here in NY. We're making the rounds to family and friends. Went to mass this morning and ny chance choose the mass in Italian. We got a lot of them in town.
We yet to make up baskets centered around little toys and books and such. Light on the candy. And definitely no Peeps!
Happy Easter!
No peeping seconded. I like my candy and sugar, but Peeps are teh anti-christ in my house.
Pastor wife disagrees. But what does she and her fancy seminary degree know?
This week I'm working the freelance job, so I'll be around but not regular - part of the reason I'm on the rant right now.
I never liked the peeps, myself, and once, I tried the purple ones, ewww! I'm candied out at the moment, but I have to say, those Nestle Crunch Crispy thingies, with wafer cookie inside, are evil. The Butterfinger one isn't bad either, but the crunch is the best. Oh and the super dark chocolate bars they're selling all over aren't bad, either.
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